Yes, right out of a picture postcard, this amazing Abbey sits in the middle of the bay, with the tide coming in and out. It started way back in the 700’s by a monk who heard voices (“if you build it , they will come”). This is a real homage to the faith of so many who toiled through tremendous obstacles to create something on a rock in the middle of the water. . . and with no electricity, cranes, power tools – just dedication and alot of talent and innovation. Could we build something like this on one of the Coronado Islands off San Diego today?
I was thrilled to actually stay on the island in one of the few hotels, and thanks to the generosity of my church, to ask for a special room – one with an awesome view! The Abbey itself is incredible to tour. Reading the book “The Pillars of the Earth” before, omega replica watches really made this place come alive for me (thanks, Joe Hewitt). Of course, there were a trillion steps which I took one at a time with my bum knee, but nothing was gonna stop me from this experience. Steve was so patient.
I will bring you up to date on the Bayeux Tapestry, bird poop in the hair, and enjoying dinner with other Americans, later as a flash back.
We traveled from noon until 8:30 pm, traversing a lot of France on our way to Monaco tomorrow! It was a crime not to even see one chateau in the Loire Valley, but if I am lucky I can have lunch in Provence tomorrow.
Tags: bayeux tapestry, joe hewitt, loire valley, monaco, mont st. michel, pillars of the earth, provence, steve
FYI… I’m enjoying your vacation! Keep it coming.
Dr. P
Here, Here! Glad you stuck it out even with your bum knee….
glad you stuck out with a bum knee and flat tire! and no money and passports! you really can push forward…..
what flat tire? what no money? what passports? whats the story?
We skyped KC with a message similar to the one she sent us on April 1, 2002. One about losing a passport and money and no place to go…”April Fools”. So we decided to return the favor, but it didn’t have the same effect, but that’s OK.
kc, did we have you going even for a minute?? just arrived Pisa…headed to look see.
looks like you all are having the time of your lives! i spent a perfect day at mont st. michel with a beautiful woman i has just met (who happened to be from LA). we ran around the place and were like kids, eager for what new discovery would be around the corner. have fun!!!
[…] Mont St. Michel, we had had a long (lost) day and we were entering the city when a bird flew over and did a major […]