Posts Tagged ‘pasquetta’


Saturday, April 30th, 2011

Little Easter, also known as “day of the angels” (they should get a day,I work mine overtime!) And another way to get an extra day off of school and work. It coincided with dia de Libertad, or Resistance Day.

So I played a mass, wreaths were laid, speeches, small parade, a farmers’ market of Tuscans delacacies. Who could be bored?

Through A Veil Of Incense

Friday, April 29th, 2011

2 Sundays, 1 Holy Thursday(feet washing), 2 Easter Services, 1 Pasquetta (little Easter monday), working with Father Piernino, Giovani, altar boys, Miranda, me….hey I thought this was vacation!!!???

These were my commitments at the organ and those are the dear folk that were the TEAM that would put it all together for the worshippers of Montalcino. Flowers, candles, bowls of fire, blessing of the eggs, chants, hymns, nods to start my playing, and always the swinging of the Incense Canister. My contact lenses are killing me!!