“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.”
That was going back to my early Girl Scout days and is certainly true on this East Coast 2012 trip.
Patty and Doug Halvorsen, our very first neighbors as newly weds, taught me bridge, killed my spiders, and were with me when the nurse called to say I was pregnant with Robbie. They held my hand while Steve was in Vietnam for 7 months, and all those other times he was at sea, ate my cooking, played ultimate Frisbee, and built me a patio cover. Good times.
Nelda and Ed Cockman were church friends in Huntington Beach and had boys that could play with Robbie and Andy. We were in a small group that would do ANYthing for each other and we still all stay in touch. Forever friends that bounced around a lot but find that Pinehurst, North Carolina fits just right!
Elaine and Cliff Faille who are Pfizer folk, and became friends in retirement as we travel to medical conventions. Crazy Elaine inspires me to come out of my shell, and Cliff and Steve have ‘history” together. They are the ultimate grandparents, and she’s a “Mimi” too! And I couldn’t keep her still enough to get a photo this time!
Headed to DC now to be with cousins who are more like good friends! Precious times with everyone.