Part of us lives in Colorado. At least one month a year. Our volunteer work over the last 6 years has filled our lives with forever friends and given us a small bit of the good feeling that comes from helping a great cause.
I am about FAMiLY; as God meant it to be, and that needs all the encouragement possible as it is attacked on every level.
This year , July 2018,we worked hard on the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet at a beautiful ranch in the yet undeveloped part of Colorado Springs. Barbecue under the stars, Greg Smalley as speaker, square dancing, and a s’mores bar! We boot scooted our western garb (shopped for at thrift shops) and tied burlap and sunflowers to anything that wasn’t moving. Storms threatened but God provided a clear evening and a hand painted sunset as His seal of approval on the evening.
Hard work…good times!
Archive for the ‘Colorado’ Category
Focus on Colorado Springs
Tuesday, October 9th, 2018Snow Day
Sunday, April 14th, 2013Southern California girl here and I LOVE watching, playing in, and just plain going crazy over snow!
And it has so many personalities.
There’s the gritty stuff that comes at you like course sand. And there’s the sloppy, big wet flakes, and soft gentle feather-like snow.
Got to experience a real blizzard and see a city close and hunker down. Never been in single digit temperatures and even those going negative with the wind.
And it never stays more more than a day or two except for the snow-capped view of Pikes Peak.
Back in Action
Sunday, April 14th, 2013It feels like home to be among the folks at Focus on the Family here in Colorado Springs! They welcomed us back with lots of new projects and challenges. And we couldn’t do it without our friends, Wally and Pam Hasbrouck opening up their house for a WHOLE MONTH! Can you imagine house guests for that long?
So far, Steve is deeply entrenched in creating spread sheets for all broadcasts in the archives. I am working in the Events Dept. recreating and organizing their decor. So far I have made over 120 silk arrangements in all four seasons. Tomorrow is a big banquet where I get to do fresh arrangements for 19 tables and the decorations for the hall. Monday I am teaching a floral class . Then back to the bookstore to price incoming inventory. We love the variety, the other local volunteers, and the knowledge that we are doing jobs that get left behind because of the day to day hassles.
On the road again…
Focus on the Family
Saturday, April 14th, 2012For the third year in a row, we are serving a christian organization that we have financially supported over the years. This time we are in Colorado Springs at Focus on the Family, an organization started by Dr. James Dobson in 1977 and now led by Jim Daly. I raised my kids by the Dobson books: Dare to Disciple, Hide and Seek, and The Strong-Willed Child (and I think they turned out pretty great). Focus remains an awesome resource for parents and is founded on 6 principles:
1. The ultimate purpose of life is to know God through Jesus Christ and beginning with our families, to reach out to the world with love.
2. The institution of marriage is sacred and designed by God.
3. Children are a blessing and are our heritage from God.
4. Human life is sacred.
5. Christians are called on to support the institutions of family, church, and government for the benefit of mankind.
6. God created humans in His image intentionally male and female with unique and complimentary qualities.
So that is where we stand and we are giving them our time in affirmation of that. We have met so many delightful people, guests, staff, and fellow volunteers. Easter week we greeted over 6000 guests to the visitors’ center. We have worked banquets, Steve is working on data entry for a department, and I am doing decor and fresh flower arrangements for the annual Volunteer Banquet (for which we got an invite). Pam and Wally Hasbrouck have given us the run of their house (only 5 minutes away) and that enables us to be here for a full month.
John Stalls
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011This is for all my Lake San Marcos friends.
John has moved to Denver to be near his grandson, Jonathan. The Village at Lowry is in a beautiful part of town and the staff there seems exceptionally nice.
Please write him at150 Quebec St #133m Denver,Co 80230, he would love to hear from you.
These photos are to show you how well he looks, his new apartment (bigger),and how his smile is charming new friends.
On The Road Yet Again
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011Really enjoyed being shown Colorado Springs with Pam and Wally Hasbrouck and hanging in Denver with Pam. We went to church at Woodland Valley where they sync two locations.(you had to be there) with two worship teams and one pastor.
Pam also took us down to Littleton, Co. to see the memorial for the 12 kids and one teacher who lost their lives at Columbine. It is such an average looking school and nice community. It was very moving, and changed the way we thought about our children going to school in safety.
Denver June 2011
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011Our suitcases were calling out, so after one month up on the shelf, they are packed again and on an excellent adventure.
Steve is working a convention in Denver (that is the convention center with a big blue bear sculpture looking in) for Pfizer and that is always an open door to see more of the world.
We are headed to Yellowstone National Park, and Couer d A’lene, Idaho with lots of stops on the way. We fly home from Seattle.
This is new territory for me!
Colorado Springs
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010Down to Colorado Springs to spend the day at Focus on the Family, to spend the night at Glen Eyrie, home of the Navigators, and celebrate our 39th anniversary over a Fondue dinner!
The Focus organization has grown to to an amazing world-wide outreach that Steve and I can say we have supported since practically since the very beginning with our tithes. I hang my hat on Dr. Dobson’s books for raising our kids.
The Navigators group arose from sailors sharing their faith. They have an awesome complex next door to the Garden of the Gods and we were so fortunate to find they had room for us in the castle.
From the Springs we drove up to see Dave and Sandi Sunde in Louisville, Co. before heading to the airport!
Mud Season
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010We were graciously hosted by Darlene and Chuck Kroll at their condo in the mountains near Silverthorn . With snow covered peaks surrounding us, we took in the beauty of the region and did a little driving, a little hiking, and a little sitting by the fire with a book!
Breckingridge and Vail were not too far away and we explored them also, but because it wasn’t winter for skiing, or summer for biking and hiking, most everything was closed for Mud Season; the time when the ground is just soggy with the snowmelt and spring rains.
I mean to tell you that shops, restaurants, and some roads were closed up tight! So I had to spend time at the Outlets, darn.