There are 9 churches in Montalcino. The town in the 1400’s was about 15,000 people, now 5000 live here and there. There are no resident priests. They come from an Abbey down the hill and travel from congregation to congregation within the village on Sunday.
We attended a catholic mass at 9am, Palm Sunday. Everyone got olive branches (when in Rome…). Then the Father jumped in his car and went across town (1/4 mile) and did it all over again. Both churches had pipes and organ consuls but were silent. The congregation at the first was all seniors, but there were families at the second (10:30 service). We engaged the Padre in conversation (he spoke French and Italian only) and the long and short of it is that I volunteered to play the organ for Pasqua (Easter) services. I think he was genuinely excited because I am booked for the Saturday 10pm service at one church, and the Sunday 9 and 10:30 at two other churches.
I explained “No, sono catolico” but he said it was ok, because it was the same God! I meet with Padre Piernino tomorrow at Church #1 at 6pm for a look at the first church and to learn (?) Catholic liturgy.
I can’t imagine not playing on an Easter Sunday, I guess God couldn’t either. May it be to His glory, not mine!!
What an honor to play in these ancient churches …Amazing!