Posts Tagged ‘serfass’
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012
Two people begat five people begat ten people who begat many more in branches with surnames of Buie, Serfass, Fear, and Mackey. And some of those good folk made it to the Stone Harbor, New Jersey Shore to celebrate each other!
Eating, drinking, storytelling, beach time, games, ice cream, and tons of laughter. Nothing fancy, but getting connected and catching up and promising not to be strangers.
Thank you for those who made it happen, those who traveled, and those who were our foundation and left us their legacy. Missed those who couldn’t come but you were with us in spirit. There is a big hole in our hearts for those who have passed but family resemblances reminds us that they are still there in the smiles of the next generation.
I’m related to some pretty cool people and I’ve got the family tree to prove it (and a quest to look up early ancestors has me intrigued)!
Tags: buie, fear, mackey, serfass, stone harbor
Posted in New Jersey, Rivers Of Europe 2012 Victory Jubilee | 4 Comments »
Saturday, April 9th, 2011
A jug of wine, a loaf of ..oh forget it! A jug of wine works for us! We check into our apartment on a hill, #13 Matteotti, and within the hour we moved funiture, unpacked, threw open the shutters and sash, and had christened a jug of tavelo- sangiovese grosso – nectar of the (italian) gods.
And like a puzzle piece looking for it’s fit, we are sooooo there. Only wish the folk from 2 years ago who visited were sharing this moment. But then, they are on our hearts as we gaze across the Val d’Orcia: Ron, Mary, Tom, Alice, Carolyn, Jeff, Jeane, Kathie, Lisa and Andy….here’s to you, Cin cin!

Waking up to Tuscany
Tags: alice, andy, jeane, jensons, kathie, lisa, montalcino, sangiovese grosso, serfass, tom, val d'orcia, wine
Posted in Italy, Russia Israel Euro 2011 | 6 Comments »
Monday, October 26th, 2009
We traveled across the Delaware Bay on a car ferry. It was a very inclimate crossing, and yes, I lost my lunch over the side. Never throw up into the wind! We have made our way down to our nation’s capitol. We are amazed to see our national monuments once again in all their incredible glory.
Sunday we went to church to hear my cousin Jeff sing and play the sax, as well as a visiting acapella choir from N. Carolina, who were all amazing. Then we did some walking around the area and sighted some of the key spots in Dan Browns latest novel, The Lost Symbol. ( I am trying to visit all the places he mentions in the book) We found the 33rd Masonic Temple….amazing edifice. Then on to the National Cathedral for another service and to check another site off my list. After all the televised church services from there, I finally got to visit it. It is the third largest Cathedral in the world after the Vatican and Notre Dame.
Tags: 33 masonic temple, dan brown, delaware bay, national cathedral, notre dame, serfass, the lost symbol, vatican, washington capitol
Posted in Autumn Back East 2009, Church, Family, Italy, North Carolina, Washington DC | 2 Comments »
Friday, October 23rd, 2009
What a joy to be in Stone Harbor, N.J. and be able to gather with 5 of the 10 Buie cousins. We have not seen some of each other since 1969 and before. We range in age (gulp) from 70 to 59 of those you see here, but our time together reflected much younger spirits! And with all of our visiting, it certainly reminded us of the 5 sibling Buie’s who were the true originals! (and our parents) Carolyn and Jeff Serfass, Debbie and Steve Morales, Kathy Bauer, Linda Kress, Don Serfass and Siddy Serfass on the end. Cousins are Jeff,Debbie,Kathy,Linda,and Don!

Tags: buie cousins, debbie, don serfass, kathy bauer, linda kress, serfass, siddy serfass, steve, stone harbor
Posted in Autumn Back East 2009, Family, New Jersey | 6 Comments »
Monday, May 11th, 2009
We celebrated Jeff and Carolyn Serfass arriving from Washington D.C. They have joined us in the celebration of Mothers Day and Steve’s Birthday.
Walks, wine, Siena, Buonconvento and more good pasta all enjoyed with awesome weather. This is the first Mothers Day with no flower shop in 20 years (and we could celebrate Steve’s birthday without him being on delivery).
I was a good girl and did not volunteer at the local flower shop, tho’ the owner is a delight!

Tags: buonconvento, flowers, mothers day, serfass, siena, steve, Washington DC, wine
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Family, Italy | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
Jeff and Carolyn Serfass will join the Morales’ for quiet times of reflection in Montalcino. They will arrive sometime between May 1 and May 14 for a Tuscan holiday.
They arrive in Milan May 2.
Tags: serfass
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Event, Family, Italy | No Comments »