Posts Tagged ‘itouch’

In Brugge

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

We had a great day today…Lucy was a little ornry first off and we traveled by the seat of our pants for awhile, but she got her act together. Brugge was awesome and we took a canal ride and had Belgium Waffles and Belgium chocolate and bought a Belgium Lace bookmark. Do I have to eat Brussel Sprouts while I am here too?

Now we are at a military hotel across from the NATO base outside of Brussels in their computer center. We have time change tomorrow, but I hope I can still sleep in.


  • The gps is Lucy
  • The itouch is Ethel
  • My kindle is Brittany
  • Steve’s kindle is Marion

The naming of the car???  It is still up for grabs.   Andy votes for a Swedish name (Gail’s delivery van is “Brutus”).