Posts Tagged ‘river jordan’


Friday, May 13th, 2011

Well up until now, my infant baptism had done me just fine!  But being baptized in the Jordan River was too special to pass up.  

About 2/3 of the group were immersed in cool running water where the Sea of Galilee empties into the Jordan. Special outfits, singing, 3 pastors, supportive friends, tears, wet hugs, photos, little fish, loud Alleluias…and then the commemorative gift shop!

I Walked Today, Where Jesus Walked

Friday, May 13th, 2011

80% of the miracles occurred around the northern part of the Sea of Galilee, the ones that got written down at least. We visited the hillside where Jesus gave the sermon on the mount, and Capernum ,which was where He and the guys made base camp. Saw the synogogue and Peter’s house. Went into the Golan Heights where huge quantities of water come out of the rocks and flows to the Jordan River. oh yeah, the camera battery ran out  🙁


Thursday, May 12th, 2011

First full day and it’s Memorial Day here followed by their Independence day, so every family is out. First, a day of  mourning with sirens for silence, flags, lots of troops out for protection and services to honor all who have lost their lives in any modern-times Israel war (and remember their days start at sundown). And then we enjoyed their Independence Day when they became an official country on May 10,1948 (and Steve’s exact birthday!)

We are all amazed at the number of Muslem cities and mosques in this country, and to find out that the West Bank is actually Samaria and on the west side of the river Jordan — smack dab in the middle of this country!!!!!

I feel like such a dummy, and it’s full of Palestinians and they want Israel to give it to them? Hellooooooo. They already gave them the Gaza. They are being picked to death by chickens with guns and minerets (don’t push Israel)!