It has been rather busy since returning to San Diego; a Pfizer convention, guests for 8 days,Steve’s dad needing him on the Fourth and him not being home, etc, so it has just been the last couple of days that we have been unpacking, and sorting our souvenirs and small gifts. And our memories. They are not so easy to put back on the shelf. Do we want to? What do I miss the most?
What I miss is rediscovering my husband in so many little ways. In Montalcino we got to play “house”. Shop, cook, wash dishes, and delight in the discoveries we made each day. Read books, watch movies on the computer between
us in bed on “movie night.” No distractions, settled in, drinking wine, making new friends, being of small service, and sharing the immense sense of marvel. Boy did we fight too!
Trying not to fall into old patterns and roles, still hurting from failures, and sometimes thinking the only thing we had in common was the kids. Choosing to love, remembering how to love, loving from the head when the heart forgot how. Vowing to change and be different, and making progress . OK, too deep.
I loved having company come. How honored I was to have someone come so far to share this. And we were only too eager to share what we had found.
Cooking Italian style, lots of Jug wine and cheese on a terrace with a million dollar view. Scarves, market day, Duomo’s, Easter week, 8 of Maggio, church bells, finding the small treasures of a small town, great ravioli, poppy fields, crunchy underwear, shutters thrown open to greet each new day!
And how humbled I felt that some dear people would read my frequent ranting on my travel blog and let me share this all with them from afar. Thank you.
I was blown away by the faith of Christians through the many centuries who went on crusades, spent lifetimes building Abbey’s, Cathedrals, walled-cities, who dedicated their lives to sculpting masterpiece, painting ceilings, writing music that glorified God. Sure ,there was greed and self-interest, but you could tell there were hearts who swelled with the love of their Lord to dedicate their lives to doing what they thought was His will. That faith really reached through the centuries and grabbed my heart.
I confess my “walk” with the Lord has been a little distant of late, maybe less intimate, because of the enormity of expressions of others that make my meager efforts to serve seem so meager. Why would the God that inspires the Pieta, want to listen to my jibber jabber ( but He does, so i’m working on this).
But WAKE UP Italy and the rest of Europe! How sad to see the catherals locked and shut down. Meager attendance, Easter habits, faith as an old persons’ panacea. They are not smarter because they have put their faith on a shelf. They are missing the Glory, the faith-dimension that is the only thing that makes this world make any sense.
Thank you Jesus, for Father Piernino, Giovani, Miranda, Juonpaulo, the monks of St. Antimo and those who still burn brightly. We pray for revival.
So much for the rawness of 3a.m. self-examinations.