Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

Mortality Cuts The String

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014


Sharp Scissors!

There are certain birthdays that are landmarks, like when you turn 5 and start school, or 21 when you legally can do a lot of things, or the big 40 when you finally have to act your age. When I turned 60 I thought that was ‘old’ but I convinced myself to relax, that old didn’t arrive until you turned 65. THAT age was the gateway to ancient.

Gosh those 5 years went fast, and I am having a difficult time getting this birthday under my belt. So I’m venting!

I’m not happy with my face; it’s slipping into my neck. My hair is thinning and would rather grow on my chin than my head.

I can testify to ones earlobes and nose growing as I also continue to shrink in stature.

I pretend to hear most of what you said as long as I can read your lips.

My gym routine includes a ‘Balance’ class and I return the AARP cards that come in the mail with “Return to Sender”

Friends and family are getting bad diseases and passing away and wisdom leaves me when I don’t know what to say or how to be there for them. And I gasp when I hear how old someone is in the news, and then realize I’m older or only a few years away.

Granted, I’m EXTREMELY blessed and usually cheerful, but this birthday stinks.

But I’m rambling…must be my age 🙁

Family Time In Daytona

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

mtvernoncoupleWe were so warmly welcomed in Janet’s home  and happyt to spend a few days with she and my dad and celebrate his 85th birthday with he, Janet, Aunt Marilyn and lots of cronies.

We particiated in their Friday night get together (karaoke and all) a wonderful homecooked meal at home, and dinner at Outback, guests of Marilyn. I have had the priviledge of seeing Dad 3x in the last year. Maybe with the new baby coming there will be another visit this summer.

Then we headed back to Orlando and the flight home. Five weeks, two Pfizer conventions,  monuments, museums, friends, family, a BIG birthday, Disney, new sights and tastes…..priceless!

The BIG 60

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

60I have been known to tease my “older” friends about me being younger….the south side of 60. So, when it came my turn to hit that landmark number, I thought I would sneak out of town, and no one be the wiser.  Could I get away with it? Nooooooooooooooo. A heavy package was delivered bright and early on the big day FULL of cards, gifts, and jabs at making the big turn into this new decade. To Betty, Andy, and Nikki…and all their other partners in crime, thank you, thank you! It’s great to feel loved. many nice things said and special thoughts shared. The birthday I sought to avoid became the blessing I will never forget!!!!!!!!