Posts Tagged ‘marion mc nabb fear’


Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


Carol and Chris Howarth live in Barnoldswick, they  have one son Warren, who is married to Michelle and they are parents to Owen! ( are you with me so far?) Carol and my Dad are cousins: my Dad’s mother (Marion Mc Nabb Fear)  is half sister to Carol’s dad, Sam(Nice). That makes us related! They are also the ones who introduced us to Gail (her favorite florist) when we were here 6 years ago. . . and the rest is history.

We have fallen in LOVE with Owen; rosy cheeks, blue eyes, spikey hair…and he even comes with the cutes accent. And his favorite sport is golf.  Owen turns 4 in May.




Sunday, March 15th, 2009

henryviiiGail has pulled out all the stops with our mad-cap visit to Lancashire. This was not your typical Sunday as we were priviledged to spend an hour with THE Henry the VIII. Our time together was an education in architecture, word origins, and the Church. Salmesbury Hall was the venue, which was preceeded by a trip to the flower market for M-Day flowers, and  ending with a late lunch at the BEST Pub ever! We had a delicious meal of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding…only equaled by my grandmother’s. Last night we looked up the 1911 Census for the area and “found” my grandmother, Marion Mc Nabb Fear, who was born only 70 miles from here in Baron in Furness. We ‘Googled-earthed” it and found the actual house still in service! This is where I feel my roots.