Posts Tagged ‘Robert Quandt’


Saturday, August 5th, 2017

It was 4 years ago while on a bus tour of Ireland we randomly commented “you know I’d like to get to know Ireland better and Kilkenny appeals to me as the place to make homebase for such a venture (or words to that effect).” Cooky and Robert heard us and chimed in that it sounded like a great idea and count them in!

Well life happens because we had walking the Camino in our sights, then that needed two new knees and rehab. All the while the Quandts would call to see if it was time for Ireland yet? Last November we sat down with them and made plans for the month of August. It was getting exciting!

In living with them for four weeks we know that we are very different; no kids(thus no grandkids), no church, CNN and never Fox, they stop for lunch, don’t drive abroad, sleep late, drink white wine, don’t cook…you would think it was a recipe for disaster

But we made it work!  It was delightful!!All enjoy travel and making new discoveries, we gave each other space, didn’t talk politics,they ate my cooking drank a lot of wine, hated parting,  and emerged as great friends!