Posts Tagged ‘jeane’
Friday, May 13th, 2011
Our buses were not allowed into Jericho. We had to transfer to Palestinian buses and drivers to see what we saw. Can you imagine, we crossed a border with hugs and entered a third world country of desert, filth, fear and hatred. And it was in the middle of Israel???

Saw some digs for the Walls of Jericho, but it was just a pile of rocks (stupid) since the walls fell down and the city was destroyed!
Then we visited Zaccheus’ house (turned into a church, of course) and then around the corner to see the sycamore tree ( I’m a little skeptical on this). But EAGER to get back on our own buses and get away!
Tags: jeane, jericho, lisa, palestine, zaccheus
Posted in Friends, Israel, Russia Israel Euro 2011 | 2 Comments »
Friday, May 13th, 2011
Well up until now, my infant baptism had done me just fine! But being baptized in the Jordan River was too special to pass up.
About 2/3 of the group were immersed in cool running water where the Sea of Galilee empties into the Jordan. Special outfits, singing, 3 pastors, supportive friends, tears, wet hugs, photos, little fish, loud Alleluias…and then the commemorative gift shop!

Tags: baptisim, jeane, river jordan, sea of galilee, steve, vogel
Posted in Friends, Israel, Russia Israel Euro 2011 | 1 Comment »
Thursday, May 12th, 2011
We have arrived and are being overwhelmed with the incredible sights. Unfortunately we haven’t had internet for me to be current.
Tiberias, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Samaria…
We (100 folks) invade (in 3 buses) and overwhelm an area, have some praise songs, some history, a little message from Pastor Ray Bentley and then back on the bus!
Tags: caesarea, jeane, kathie, mt carmel, nazareth, ray bentley, samaria, tiberias
Posted in Friends, Israel, Russia Israel Euro 2011 | 2 Comments »
Saturday, April 9th, 2011
A jug of wine, a loaf of ..oh forget it! A jug of wine works for us! We check into our apartment on a hill, #13 Matteotti, and within the hour we moved funiture, unpacked, threw open the shutters and sash, and had christened a jug of tavelo- sangiovese grosso – nectar of the (italian) gods.
And like a puzzle piece looking for it’s fit, we are sooooo there. Only wish the folk from 2 years ago who visited were sharing this moment. But then, they are on our hearts as we gaze across the Val d’Orcia: Ron, Mary, Tom, Alice, Carolyn, Jeff, Jeane, Kathie, Lisa and Andy….here’s to you, Cin cin!

Waking up to Tuscany
Tags: alice, andy, jeane, jensons, kathie, lisa, montalcino, sangiovese grosso, serfass, tom, val d'orcia, wine
Posted in Italy, Russia Israel Euro 2011 | 6 Comments »
Friday, May 29th, 2009
Waiting for Autumn
While taking in some of the Statuary in the Vatican Museum, Jeane and I found out that a modest Pope of some years back, placed fig leaves, where appropriate, on healthy male statues lest some impressionable damsels swoon or be inspired to lustful deeds. Sooooo, if Steve can collect knockers, I can collect fig leaves!

Tags: jeane, steve, vatican
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Friends, Italy | 1 Comment »
Friday, May 29th, 2009

When in Rome… fight traffic, heat and humidity, soccer fans, and take in incredible sights!
Jeane, Kathie, Andy, Lisa, and Steve and I occupied two apartments for several days seeing the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and much much more. It was quite a contrast from our quiet little Montalcino, but to actually BE there and see so much history and beautiful art.
Even saw the Pope on Vatican Tv and in person, did a Hop On-Hop off Bus, and alot of walking. Cool evenings with a glass of wine and people watching.
Then it was seeing Andy and Lisa off to the airport and leaving Kath and J for one day on their own in the Big City before their departure.
We sooooo enjoyed sharing all of this with them!!!!

Tags: andy, jeane, kathie, lisa, montalcino, pope, rome, steve, vatican
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Family, Friends, Italy | No Comments »
Monday, May 25th, 2009
The clock is ticking on Montalcino and Italy. We have been enjoying the company of Andy, Lisa, Jeane and Kathie in Florence, Siena, Montalcino of course, and now headed to Roma.
We have heard lots of horror stories about pick-pockets and gypsies so we go with some intrepidation. And to top it all off, the SuperBowl of Soccer is this week. It has been so hard to find accomdations .
We covet you prayers for our safety. Did i mention we have a Heat Wave 90+ and humidity?
So we are off on another marvelous adventure!!!

Tags: andy, champions league, florence, jeane, kathie, lisa, montalcino, rome, siena
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Family, Friends, Italy | 2 Comments »
Thursday, May 21st, 2009
Cooking with AnnaLisa Tuscan Style
We all learned something about cooking, pasta, wine, tradition, and most of all hospitality on our day in Resta at the home of AnnaLisa. She shared with us her passions for the land, her wine, her home and the chapel on the grounds.
We cracked a few eggs, kneaded some dough, sliced and diced and made an awesome meal, that we enjoyed on the covered 2nd story terrace of her home.
Our menu included foccacia, tagliatella, pinci, tomato/garlic sauce, an eggplant dish to die for and tirramisu .We all were delightfully surprised on how fresh and wonderful it all tasted.
Several of us had had bad prior experiences with some of the dishes (I had never had an eggplant that I had liked, and most of us were not looking forward to the tirramisu). Boy, were we blown away with how fabulous ,and amazing it all was.
The time with her and each other was almost an out-of-body experience as we reveled in the tuscan gastronomic experience!
Tags: andy, annalisa, cooking, jeane, kathie, lisa, resta, steve
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Family, Friends, Italy | 2 Comments »
Thursday, May 21st, 2009
It was so great to rendezvous with Andy and Lisa in Florence!
We have each enjoyed the sights of different ends of the country, we met in the middle for 3 days in this amazing city!
We had an awesome hotel and some “pinch me” moments, like seeing Michaelangeo’s David. Our dinner on the Ponte Vecchio was a huge highlight for me, and I think the Segway Tour thru the city was for Steve (watch out for flying Debbie, as she bit the dust once again).
We met Kathie and Jeane at the Train station from their travels and headed to Montalcino!!!
Tags: andy, debbie, florence, jeane, kathie, lisa, michaelangelo, montalcino, ponte vecchio, segway, steve
Posted in Europe Trip 2009, Family, Friends, Italy | 1 Comment »