After long, event-free flights, all 37 of us arrived in Moscow at the beginning of a brand new day. Temperature 32, and light snow flurries. Everyone did super and after a long delay on a plane, we pretended we had slept and ventured out to Red Square (so named for all the red brick used).
We watched the goose-stepping changing of the guard, and saw all those magnificent onion-domed churches. Saturday seems to be their day to be closed so we stopped at GUM-an elaborate mall(which was packed) and had lunch at McDonalds.
The city seems modern,congested, and I am still thinking about forming an opinion. But they don’t smile…just not their way. The Hostel we all spent the night is everything we need, and we barely kept our eyes open until 7pm when you could see us all succumb like dominoes into bed. Of course we were all awake at 3 and returned to eat cold left over pizza from supper. A new day ahead as we head to camp!