Posts Tagged ‘santa maria degli angeli’


Friday, April 8th, 2011

oh my..well, I joined the thousands of pilgrims in our long treck to Assisi. (wish list) Too big, too crowded, too confusing. We booked ahead the Hotel Umbra on the advice of a fellow tourist we met in SanGim.  Good grief!!! What it takes to find these places; we are so lucky to have our side view mirrors.  

We headed to the Abby around 4:30 and took our time examining the frescos depicting his life.  We did NOT join the others crawling on their knees.

The basilica “Santa Maria, degli Angeli” in the valley below was much more approachable and tho’ the 7th largest in the world! was more humble than the Abby up the hill, built in the honor of a very humble man of God.