Arrivederci Montalcino,
Just like Goldie-locks and the 3 bears, we found Montalcino to be “juuuuust right”! Not too big, not too small, but filled with new friends, unique experiences, lovely customs, enthralling history, good food, fine wine, and now memories to last a lifetime.
Coming back from Roma and climbing the hill to our walled-city, “Friends” by Michael W. Smith was playing. It is an all time favorite of mine, but now phrases like “packing up the dreams God planted” and “Tho’ it’s hard to let you go, in the Father’s hand we know” have new meaning to me as tears streamed down my cheeks from under my sunglasses .
Yep, it’s time to pack and think about moving on.
This vacation was so much more than items to check off a list of things to see; it became home to us and we made some beautiful memories, some forever- friends, and shared it with some special people. And just like a special recipe, all the ingredients came together ….juuuuust right.