Posts Tagged ‘buie’


Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Two people begat five people begat ten people who begat many more in branches with surnames of Buie, Serfass, Fear, and Mackey. And some of those good folk made it to the Stone Harbor, New Jersey Shore to celebrate each other!

Eating, drinking, storytelling, beach time, games, ice cream, and tons of laughter.  Nothing fancy, but getting connected and catching up and promising not to be strangers.

Thank you for those who made it happen, those who traveled, and those who were our foundation and left us their legacy.  Missed those who couldn’t come but you were with us in spirit. There is a big hole in our hearts for those who have passed but family resemblances reminds us that they are still there in the smiles of the next generation.

I’m related to some pretty cool people and I’ve got the family tree to prove it (and a quest to look up early ancestors has me intrigued)!