Posts Tagged ‘the slug and lettuce’

H H H Harrogate

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

In Hertford, Hereford,and Hampshire, Hurricanes hardly happen (ok, name that musical)!

After driving over Hill and Dale (and some of this area is called “the Dales” known for country wandering) we came upon the city of Harrigate.  It is a good size, victorian, home to an Air Force Base as well as a large radar installation (Huge Golf Balls detecting anything and everything in the entire W. Hemisphere).

We were hoping to meet up with a JAG officer just assigned to the area and pass on a hug from his RB mother, but we didn’t connect.  Beautiful flower beds, shops and a deeeelightful lunch at ” The Slug and Lettuce” restaurant (I didn’t have a salad, I had cottage pie and a strawberry cider).