We traveled across the Delaware Bay on a car ferry. It was a very inclimate crossing, and yes, I lost my lunch over the side. Never throw up into the wind! We have made our way down to our nation’s capitol. We are amazed to see our national monuments once again in all their incredible glory.
Sunday we went to church to hear my cousin Jeff sing and play the sax, as well as a visiting acapella choir from N. Carolina, who were all amazing. Then we did some walking around the area and sighted some of the key spots in Dan Browns latest novel, The Lost Symbol. ( I am trying to visit all the places he mentions in the book) We found the 33rd Masonic Temple….amazing edifice. Then on to the National Cathedral for another service and to check another site off my list. After all the televised church services from there, I finally got to visit it. It is the third largest Cathedral in the world after the Vatican and Notre Dame.