Kisses, Twix, Reeses Pieces! Yes, they are here in abundance and more!
We took the tour at Chocolate Town and also a trolley tour around the city that bears Milton’s name. But what I find most amazing is that every bit of profit from the Hershey products goes to support the Hershey Foundation whose key obligation is running Hershey School.
What started out as education for orphan boys now houses and teaches underprivledged kids. They are cared for in loving homes with “house parents” (like Jeff and Renee Glover) who nurture nearly 2000 youth in K-12 grades. There are over 160 beautifully maintained houses on acres and acres of land with parks, playgrounds, pools and sport complexes. The school buildings are state of the art and upon graduation, each student gets a crisp $100 bill just like in Milton’s day. And a scholarship worth over $70,000 if they qualify!
So next time you have a piece of candy, think of Milton Hershey and EAT MORE CHOCOLATE!