When the weather cools down and the days get shorter, the leaves stop producing food for the tree. Then chlorophyll breaks down and the green fades revealing the underlying yellow and orange. Other chemical changes will bring out the bright red in some species. Needless to say, it’s my favorite season of the year!
To fill the void that occurs when you live in San Diego, we’ve hit the road for the Northeastern part of the U.S. and Canada. It’s been bittersweet because the folks in that part of the world are rejoicing in an Indian summer; unseasonably warm weather muted the colors, eliminated most of the red, and much of the foliage went from green to brown. What has been fun to watch is the preparation for winter; park benches are being removed, construction is frantically being finished up, tours and tourist spots are closed, and only winter clothing is in the stores despite the lingering appearance of shorts and t-shirts. But there are lots of people wandering the streets with the buskers performing and side walk dining still happening while the sun shines. I’m taking photos of lone coloring trees and only focus on the pretty parts and rejoice that I don’t have to rake it all up!