We finished the Pfizer year with a convention by the bay. We had a great view high atop the Westin in the center of everything. The weather was blustery but it did not keep us from seeing the town and having a Montalcino reunion with the Rutters: Tom, Donna, and Justine!
Once again it was the HopOn Hopoff bus for me as I was on my own this trip. I rode the whole circuit before hoping off on the second go-around. Ghiradelli, Union Square,AG Ferrari’s,Williams Sonoma all enticed me.
But it was great to pick up Ken and Donna Kalla at the airport and journey up to Napa Valley. We had a super time and the wine wasn’t bad either! Since we had driven instead of flown, we had a car to go and see so much. Great food, good company, tasty wines and beautiful changing colors.
Steve and I had a magnificent year of travel, and the locations were made that much more special by the people we saw and spent time with. To God be the glory for being a great travel agent and guide.