Posts Tagged ‘partenkirchen’

Olympic Hopeful

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

olympicsIt was during our daily call to Steve’s dad, George, in Costa Mesa, that we mentioned our stay in Garmish-Partenkirchen; on hearing the location, he came alive with memories!!!

As a youth, he was inspired by the Olympics at Lake Placid work  harder on his passion, speed skating ,and try for the next olympics (he was living in New York and was a young teenager).  He did try out when the time came, but only made it as second or third alternate to the Garmisch Olympic games in 1936, so he stayed home and continued to dream (he still has lots of medals on display in his home)!

With even more dedication, he focused on the next Winter Olympics but then came war in Europe.  So George,  with thoughts of you in our hearts, your son made it to Garmish .