Part of us lives in Colorado. At least one month a year. Our volunteer work over the last 6 years has filled our lives with forever friends and given us a small bit of the good feeling that comes from helping a great cause.
I am about FAMiLY; as God meant it to be, and that needs all the encouragement possible as it is attacked on every level.
This year , July 2018,we worked hard on the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet at a beautiful ranch in the yet undeveloped part of Colorado Springs. Barbecue under the stars, Greg Smalley as speaker, square dancing, and a s’mores bar! We boot scooted our western garb (shopped for at thrift shops) and tied burlap and sunflowers to anything that wasn’t moving. Storms threatened but God provided a clear evening and a hand painted sunset as His seal of approval on the evening.
Hard work…good times!
You always have fun while you are there!