Plan A was always my first choice. You know, the one where everything works out to be Happily Ever After. But more often than not, I find myself dealing with the upside-down version where nothing goes as it should. This isn’t MY idea of a good time 🙁
At this point the real test begins, of my character, that is. Do I sink or swim? Do I wallow in self-pity(sometimes)? Do I think of myself as the victim or simply turn a page and make the best of the situation??? The choice is mine. Life is all about how you handle plan B! Lemonade anyone?
Radiation starts next Thursday
Tags: radiation
Miss Debbie….you pass the character test with flying colors! YOU ARE the most amazing woman and friend! How you display that character right now is….ANYWAY YOU choose! You are rated as the best and now deserve the right to go either way…All of this “mess” that you are dealing with is temporary and for sure stressful! But, because of the “Debbie Morales Character” we know and love you will handle it all just fine! We are always in your corner to back you….when you feel happy or crappy! Sorry that it is not a good time for you now…will chocolate help? What is your favorite kind?
You need to just go with God’s Plan…not Your Plan A or Your B…and “You Know” it will far surpase what you can even imagine! You are an amazing women, and you have a lot to still contribute to this world, so continue to fight!! There are a lot of people praying and supporting your fight against this terrible desease of cancer!
Chocolate, did someone say chocolate? The only one allowed and yet recommended is the really dark stuff! Medicinal by all accounts, and who am I to bunk science?
Plan G? always the winner! I wish that for a certain friend of yours too! xo
Trader Joes has the best dark dark chocolate and if it is good for you why not indulge largely?? Congrats for making the first series. You’ll whip through radiation and as Paul says in Philippians 3:13-14, “but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” And what a call He has upon your life. Keep moving forward and know that we are with you all the way. Hugs a bunch!